Impact Stories

2019 Graduate
Kim-Marie Anderson
I Kim-Marie Anderson am writing this letter on behalf of the Portland Arts Vocational and Education Center, to express my gratitude to you for your sponsorship throughout the program. I would also like to give a heartfelt thank you for your commitment to making the program a great success, our organization could not prosper without the generous support of a caring sponsor. Thank you again for your thoughtful generosity.

2019 Graduate
Kimberly Minott
The Portland Arts Vocational Education Centre has left a great big impact in my life creating a positive aura in both personal and work aspect of my life. The role plays I had to participate in whenever I was at class helped to build my confidence yet giving me a better understanding of how guest or customers are to be treated. Having trips and doing internship at various hotels and villas etc gave me hands on experience of the working world and opened my eyes to the different areas in the hospitality field and how much guest or customers look forward to a warm welcoming customer service. This experience motivated me whenever I received tips or compliments from guest or even a small advice.
My confidence went sky high once I started to attend PAVE. I am no longer that shy timid girl with low self esteem but, now a woman that believes in her self and is much braver to communicate with persons. Friends have now become like family members, teachers and invited guests are now role modelers. I am now stronger, wiser, self motivated, confident, responsible and even more qualified as it looks so good on my resume to show how much I have achieved from attending PAVE. The opportunity that PAVE have given me, i have to be so thankful for because through all that experience I am now a PAVE coach leaving me to believe that anyone can become leader as long as they put their mind towards it.

2019 Graduate
Peta Gaye
I have started the Portland Art and Vocational Education Center as a cub and now I am a lioness. Through hard work, love and support from the family God has join together, I have been able to start the journey of success. I would like to thank the partners, donators, teachers and all the persons that made this possible. It has change my life in many ways possible and I am sure it will change many more lives.

2018 Graduate
Dean Martin
On behalf of the PAVE Centre, I Dean Martin would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our sponsors for their generous support towards the program. I am very grateful that you came on board to help this training program be a successful one. PAVE has a lot of benefits for young adults seeking a way to make it in this race called life. For me, pave is one of the best things that I have ever enrolled in. This program will help you with a lot that can help both in the working world and your daily life routine. This program will build your self esteem, boost your confidence, and teach you to value yourself and others. The program will get you on the right path to understand how the working world is by providing you with a series of classes taught by experienced teachers. Pave has helped me in so many ways and am sure they can help many others. So I thank Pave and its’ sponsors for their continuous support and I hope that we can continue on this path of learning and sharing so we can better ourselves.

2018 Graduate
Tasha Dixon
“I now shine with accomplishment. I came into this program young, tender and fragile and now I am leaving like an eagle ready to soar with a positive mind and burning desire to be great.”

2018 Graduate
Orlando Spaulding
At the PAVE Centre, I had the opportunity to build connections with new individuals. Miss Khadi Stewart’s, PAVE Centre Lead Trainer, classes were not only informative but it was very engaging and exciting. Miss Nasha Francis, PAVE Centre Coordinator, is very meticulous and her deliverance is so detailed and powerful you can easily retain all the information that she is communicating. Miss Audra Handal’s, PAVE Centre Missions Director, commitment to the program was very astonishing, her presence made you feel a sense of purpose and that made me want to give more to the program and made it very easy to comprehend what was demanded of us.
Biblically based self-worth and life skills for me are two of the most captivating topics that was taught in class. The bible verses helped me not only to value myself but, to also believe that I can achieve what I set out to be which is a man of value. ”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” I can now fully quote this verse with a firm belief in the message and I feel it connects me with a higher purpose through the lessons I was taught in class by the wonderful teachers. As for life skills I am positive it will prove useful for me in my everyday life as it gives me the capabilities of solving problems in a very time efficient manner, it also allows me to communicate very effectively among my peers, especially in the workplace. After completion of the class, Mrs. Francis and Ms. Stewart assisted us with resumes and also job interviews which helped me in securing employment in the hospitality industry.
PAVE Centre gives a new outlook on life and opportunities that you once thought was impossible to achieve. Not only have I learnt the necessary skills to survive in the workplace, I have learnt skills that will allow me to win at life.

PAVE Centre Administrator
Nasha Johnson
“The most rewarding feeling is to look at the graduating students becoming young adults making a positive impact in society and their lives.
Many students has never graduated from high school nor have worked. Through the PAVE program, they learn to appreciate, respect and admire the opportunities they can create to have a better life with confidence.”

Member of the Board of Directors
Yvonne Blakey
“The hands-on training approach have raised the level of standard and the level of awareness for excellence and thus makes me very proud and honored to mentor these young adults who will become leaders for generations to come.”